
Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category

Top 5 Big Data Platform predictions for 2017

December 21, 2016 Leave a comment

The Rise of Data Science Notebooks

Apache Zeppelin is a web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics. You can make beautiful data-driven, interactive and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala or Python and more. However Apache Zeppelin is still an incubator project, I expect a serious boost of notebooks like Apache Zeppelin on top of data processing (like Apache Spark) and data storage (like HDFS, NoSQL and also RDBMS) solutions. Read more on my previous post.

Splice Machine replace traditional RDBMSs

Splice Machine delivers an open-source database solution that incorporates the proven scalability of Hadoop, the standard ANSI SQL and ACID transactions of an RDBMS, and the in-memory performance of Apache Spark.


Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS)

Machine Learning is the subfield of computer science that “gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed”. Within the field of data analytics, Machine Learning is a method used to devise complex models and algorithms that lend themselves to prediction; this is known as predictive analytics. The rise of Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) model is good news for the market, because it reduce the complexity and time required to implement Machine Learning and opens the doors to increase the adoption level. One of the companies that provide MLaaS is Microsoft with Azure ML.

Apache Spark on Kubernetes with Red Hat OpenShift

OpenShift is Red Hat‘s Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that allows developers to quickly develop, host, and scale applications in a cloud environment. OpenShift is a perfect platform for building data-driven applications with microservices. Apache Spark can be made natively aware of Kubernetes with OpenShift by implementing a Spark scheduler backend that can run Spark application Drivers and bare Executors in Kubernetes pods. See more on the OpenShift Commons Big Data SIG #2 blog.

MapR-FS instead of HDFS

If you’re familiar with the HDFS architecture, you’ll know about the NameNode concept, which is a separate server process that handles the locations of files within your clusters. MapR-FS doesn’t have such a concept, because all that information is embedded within all the data nodes, so it’s distributed across the cluster. The second architectural difference is the fact that MapR is written in native code and talks to directly to disk. HDFS (written in Java) runs in the JVM and then talk to a Linux file system before it talks to disks, so you have a few layers there that will impact performance and scalability. Read more differences in the MapR-FS vs. HDFS blog.

The world of Java? Oracle buys Sun!

January 22, 2010 Leave a comment

Just ‘Hotnews’ that the takeover is a reality. What does the acquisition of Sun by Oracle mean for the Java world? I think this is bad news for the Java community. Oracle is no longer focused on developing tools for application development. Yes ok, they develop their own Oracle Fusion Applications in Java, but with the aim to expand globally and try to beat SAP in this market. If Oracle has put his sights on Oracle Fusion Application and the maintenance (Oracle Fusion Middleware), there is no urgency to develop tools for application development. This is unfortunate. I am so curious of the future of products such as Sun NetBeans (latest version 6.8, it’s become a very nice product) and Glashfish.Glashfish, I think it will not make it. Oracle has recently chosen for the BEA WebLogic product, now known as Oracle Weblogic. Jdeveloper and Netbeans are almost equal products. Jdeveloper supports Oracle’s proprietary natural solution like Toplink and ADF. The MySQL database is under pressure. Oracle will in my opinion not drop its own database!

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Information analyst (IA) is unemployed of the future

October 9, 2009 3 comments

With arrival of Agile development several roles has drastically changed within the IT spectrum. Where in former days firstly large batteries paper (definition study, feasibility reports, designs etc.) were produced before there could be build, it is nowadays started with develop after prioritize of User Stories. The construction team gets here an important role concerning `how’ the User Stories to realize. The process speculator (scrum master) ensures a spotless mode where `impediments’ are recognized and are caught. The `what’ are stipulated to business square by the Product Owner. This is the person who forms the funnel with its supporters of the functionalities of the new product to realize. The Product Owner have regular contact with the construction team and sometimes also participate with the `daily stand-ups’. Functional and technical documentation is frequently developed during the sprint. Where has the information analyst (IA) remained in this spectrum? The IA must consider itself! Or participate in the construction team or if this is not possible a function look forward as a business analyst and inspect business requirements instead interfere itself with IT questions.


Microsoft dominantly on the netbook market

May 14, 2009 1 comment

Microsoft is on the netbook market dominantly present. They have a thick finger in the pulp and netbooks with Windows XP are too frequently installed. Moreover makes Microsoft agreements with the hardware suppliers for example the disk space and the memory. Netbooks are possible even cheaper, already a vein operating system is installed. The central question is of course -> is Windows the correct operating system for netbooks? The answer is according to me `No’, Ubuntu! Ubuntu is already available for the Asus eee. There is also a stripped version of Ubuntu especially for the netbooks `called Easy Peasy’. Ubuntu shall come with the arrival from 9.10 end this year with a special netbook edition. The expectations have been very high.

More information:

Easy Peasy:

Download Ubuntu eee:

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Productivity of Java is depressing low

May 14, 2009 Leave a comment

The first java/JEE specifications date back to 1998 (beta). The development of Java started in 1991, and in 1995 Java was announced for the first time publicly. Although we now have a lot of more experience during the years, the speed of development of Java/JEE applications is still saddening low. The focus is too often on technique (e.g. frames, which but with each other be to laboriously couple), instead of on business. But classifying of business rules takes place already too a little. organizations revert carefully to 4GL tools of the previous decade, because the disappointing velocity of Java. Some suppliers of these old acquaintances communicate a turnover increase! The arrival of 4GL provided a productivity improvement of minimum a factor 3 (measured with respect to Cobol). With the arrival of Java/JEE we seem to lose productivity improvement in one go.