
Posts Tagged ‘netbook’

Microsoft dominantly on the netbook market

May 14, 2009 1 comment

Microsoft is on the netbook market dominantly present. They have a thick finger in the pulp and netbooks with Windows XP are too frequently installed. Moreover makes Microsoft agreements with the hardware suppliers for example the disk space and the memory. Netbooks are possible even cheaper, already a vein operating system is installed. The central question is of course -> is Windows the correct operating system for netbooks? The answer is according to me `No’, Ubuntu! Ubuntu is already available for the Asus eee. There is also a stripped version of Ubuntu especially for the netbooks `called Easy Peasy’. Ubuntu shall come with the arrival from 9.10 end this year with a special netbook edition. The expectations have been very high.

More information:

Easy Peasy:

Download Ubuntu eee:

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