
Posts Tagged ‘ia agile it’

Information analyst (IA) is unemployed of the future

October 9, 2009 3 comments

With arrival of Agile development several roles has drastically changed within the IT spectrum. Where in former days firstly large batteries paper (definition study, feasibility reports, designs etc.) were produced before there could be build, it is nowadays started with develop after prioritize of User Stories. The construction team gets here an important role concerning `how’ the User Stories to realize. The process speculator (scrum master) ensures a spotless mode where `impediments’ are recognized and are caught. The `what’ are stipulated to business square by the Product Owner. This is the person who forms the funnel with its supporters of the functionalities of the new product to realize. The Product Owner have regular contact with the construction team and sometimes also participate with the `daily stand-ups’. Functional and technical documentation is frequently developed during the sprint. Where has the information analyst (IA) remained in this spectrum? The IA must consider itself! Or participate in the construction team or if this is not possible a function look forward as a business analyst and inspect business requirements instead interfere itself with IT questions.
